
The 弗吉尼亚联邦学习中心 is an online learning platform hosted by the State of Virginia. ODU has a domain on the COVLC that houses online training modules from various ODU departments.


去 covlc.维吉尼亚州.政府 用你的凭据登录. The COVLC Login ID 和 password are NOT related to your MIDAS ID. New employees are issued these credentials before their 新员工培训.

If you have forgotten or need new credentials, please submit the “请求凭证”表单 或电子邮件 covlc@ycdwkj666.com ODU COVLC管理员会发给你. Do not request your password from the COVLC site -- it will not work.

请检查 常见问题,以及电子邮件 covlc@ycdwkj666.com 任何技术上的困难或未解决的问题. ODU COVLC管理员是: 玛丽莲Baylon 和 黛比沙发.







Log into the COVLC, then type "发展你的领地" into the 搜索栏 to view this course series. 您也可以按个别课程名称进行搜索.


Professional development courses custom-created by the ODU HR 培训 & 开发团队.

行政 professionals are a key part of most 办公室 environments. They work quietly in the background, ensuring that the business runs smoothly 和 efficiently. 本在线课程将帮助您:

  • Describe the skills 和 roles of an 行政 和 Office Professional
  • 解释有效利用资源的方法, 明智地管理时间, communicate effectively 和 合作 with others skillfully
  • Identify some resources to help advance through their career as an administrative 和 办公室 professional

This online course will provide some foundational frameworks for providing the most effective feedback whether it is positive or negative 和 best practices that help both manager 和 employee identify the gap between expectations 和 output.

Remote work offers benefits for both you 和 your employees, but it can present a few challenges. This course will provide current best practices 和 tips to help you manage 和 inspire your remote employee 和 to achieve high performance.

当前的商业环境是全球化的. Not only are organizations more diverse, but many are also becoming multinational. These changing demographics are transforming the way organizations do customer service. 本在线课程将帮助您:

  • Adopt tools 和 techniques that deliver positive customer experiences 和 overcome that customer language barrier
  • Demonstrate a positive, confident, 和 professional approach with customers of any language


  • 说出设定目标的第一步
  • 认识SMART目标的特点
  • Identify actions that could inhibit you from staying on track with your professional goal


  • 定义专业品牌
  • 描述一个发展你的专业品牌的框架
  • Identify some tips on incorporating br和 building into your daily schedule

作为当今世界的领导者, it is imperative that a leader can inspire productivity 和 motivate employees to achieve organizational goals 和 objectives. Leading a high performing team is about creating an environment that encourages individual team members to speak up, 合作, 实验, 和反映. A great team leader knows how to generate group cohesiveness, mutual respect, 和 support. A great team leader can also recognize that different stages of team development require different styles of leadership.


  • 定义一个高绩效团队
  • 确定团队发展的四个阶段
  • 应用 best leadership practices at each stage of team development to to sustain synergy 和 high performance.



The 新员工培训 (NEO) is the first step in the process of onboarding new employees to the University. This self-paced online orientation module can be accessed via the 弗吉尼亚联邦学习中心. NEO includes a hearty welcome to ODU 和 provides employees with pertinent information regarding the University culture, 州和大学的政策/程序, 以及可用福利选项的概述.

New employees will receive by email; their login id, 临时密码, 以及如何进入近地天体的逐步说明.

This online module provides information about the list of benefits available to all new full-time employees, 和 is also available anytime for current full-time employees to review their benefits.

All new state employees are required to complete the state m和atory training in the COVLC 在收到用户名和密码后60天内.


  • DCJS -平民对枪击事件的反应(CRASE)
  • COV -为弗吉尼亚共同努力
  • MVP -员工酒精和其他药物政策
  • MVP人力资源政策和法律-工作场所的文明
  • VDEM -恐怖主义和安全意识导向
  • Virginia State Employee 安全 和 Disaster Awareness 培训


  • DCJS -平民对枪击事件的反应(CRASE)
  • COV -为弗吉尼亚共同努力
  • MVP -员工酒精和其他药物政策
  • MVP人力资源政策和法律-工作场所的文明
  • VDEM -恐怖主义和安全意识导向
  • Virginia State Employee 安全 和 Disaster Awareness 培训







Log into the COVLC, then type "MVP" into the 搜索栏 to view the Managing Virginia Program series. 您也可以按个别课程名称进行搜索.


Professional development courses offered by the Virginia Department of 人力资源 Management (DHRM)

  • 坦白地说
  • 倾听的艺术

  • 基本技能
  • 管理客户服务

  • 监理概论
  • 管理工作流程
  • 委托
  • 训练
  • 激励员工提高绩效
  • 员工敬业度

  • 面试前
  • 面试期间
  • 面试后

  • 模块1概述
  • 模块2 -开发EWP
  • 模块3 -文件和反馈表格
  • 模块4 -绩效评估
  • 单元5 -试用期

  • 领导风格
  • 领导能力 & 生活必需品
  • 影响他人的领导力 & 建立信任

  • 压力管理
  • 情商
  • 时间管理



An online learning management system that is hosted by the State of Virginia.

There are several types of online courses housed in the COVLC, such as:

  • 新员工培训
  • 全职员工的福利
  • 弗吉尼亚州的强制性培训
  • Virginia Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) Courses
  • 开发你的自治领课程(在线,异步)
  • 其他ODU部门课程(例如:旅行卡培训等.)

你必须使用 搜索栏 查找有关COVLC的课程. 登录到COVLC后,找到顶部附近的搜索栏.

如果你正在寻找发展你的自治领课程, type "发展你的领地" 和 all related courses will appear. 如果你正在搜索弗吉尼亚项目管理课程, 输入“MVP”,将显示所有相关课程. 你亦可按个别课程名称进行搜寻.

No. You do not have to register for any courses hosted on the COVLC. These are asynchronous, self-directed courses you can complete online at your own pace.

Yes, once you have successfully completed your online course, click on the 查看证书 按钮下载或打印.

发送电子邮件至 COVLC@ycdwkj666.com 或单独联系COVLC管理员: