

  • 负责监督执行:人力资源副总裁, 多样性, 股本, 和包容
  • 当前修订或创建日期:2024年1月10日
  • 下载政策PDF

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the timely notification and processing of faculty and staff separations from employment.

他的机构. 第七节.第01(a)(6)条 访客委员会章程 grants authority to the 总统 to implement the policies and procedures of the Board relating to University operations.

横幅管理信息系统 该术语用于指信息技术系统,Banner®数字校园. Banner是用于管理学生信息的管理软件系统, 金融援助, 金融, 以及最靠谱的网赌软件的人力资源.

机密的员工 -其雇佣条款及条件受 弗吉尼亚人事法案,弗吉尼亚法典第2节.2-2900等序列.,经修订,他被雇用在一个机密的职位.

部门记录协调员 - Individuals who serve as a liaison between the University Records Manager and their respective department.

招聘主管 -具有招聘权限的管理层, 分配工作, 管理工作时间表, 批准离开, 评估员工, 纪律员工.

分离 -终止与旧道明大学的雇佣关系. 分离的类型包括, 但不限于, 自愿辞职, 退休, 放电, 非自愿终止, 裁员, 调到另一个国家机构, 或者在服役期间死亡.

大学房地产 ——土地, 设施, 用大学或基金会资金购买的设备, and other materials that are owned by 最靠谱的网赌软件 or controlled by 最靠谱的网赌软件 via leases or other formal contractual arrangement.

网络时间输入(WTE) - A web-based system designed to enable employees to submit hours worked and leave information electronically, 消除时间单的纸张提交, 考勤表, 离开活动表格, 并留下报告.

    This policy applies to the following types of employees of the University and their supervisors: administrative and professional faculty, 教学和研究人员, 并分类或工资人员. 这项政策不适用于兼职教员, 非教学兼职教员, 或者学生雇员.

    This policy provides specific procedures to be followed to ensure the timely processing of separations as follows:

    • 确保薪酬和支出的准确计算;
    • 促进最终支付行动;
    • protect and account for University property; and
    • 为教职员工提供行使适当福利选择的机会.

    University 招聘主管s are responsible for immediately notifying the Department of 人力资源 concerning the separation of faculty and staff. Notification to the Department of 人力资源 must occur no later than one workday upon the 招聘主管's receipt of this information.

    An employee is responsible for providing advance notice and written notification of his/her intent to resign to his/her 招聘主管 as soon as the decision has been made to separate from University employment. The written notification should provide an explanation for the separation and must state the effective date of separation, 哪一天是员工工作的最后一天.

    Reasonable advance notice of separation for classified employees is at least two weeks or longer for professional level positions. 作为合同雇员, faculty members should make every effort to give the administration adequate time to find a replacement when they desire to leave 最靠谱的网赌软件.

    当被告知员工要离职时, 招聘主管应要求出具书面离职信. 在文件的底部, 招聘主管应该注意收到离职信的日期, 签上他/她的名字确认收据, 并立即将文件提交人力资源部. 员工要求解除离职通知的, the employee shall send a written request to withdraw the separation notification to the 招聘主管 and the Department of 人力资源. The 招聘主管 shall forward the request to withdraw to the 招聘主管's vice president. The vice president shall decide whether to approve the request to withdraw the notice of separation. 副总裁应通知该员工, 招聘主管, 以及人力资源部,如果撤回请求被批准或拒绝.


    The Department of 人力资源 will provide the 招聘主管 with an email message confirming receipt of the separation notice within five (5) business days. The Department of 人力资源 will enter the termination of the job record in Banner on or before the separation date or immediately upon receipt if the separation date is on or prior to receipt of notification of employee's separation by the supervisor. This will set off the Employee 分离 Workflow which terminates system access within twenty-four hours of the separation date.

    The 招聘主管 will receive a checklist to ensure that the 招聘主管's responsibilities for the separation process are communicated and completed in Banner Workflow on or before the separation date and no later than two business days after the separation date.


    • 证明所有休假活动已通过WTE提交给薪资办公室;
    • 收集大学财产;
    • 指导将钥匙归还给设施管理部;
    • referring departing faculty and staff to the Department of 人力资源 for benefits information;
    • 如果适用的话, ensuring that contractual obligations are fulfilled by the separating faculty member or reassigned as appropriate;
    • maintaining all departmental personnel and timekeeping records* in a safe and confidential manner;
    • 如果离职的员工是在ODURF资助的项目上工作的教员, 他/她必须在他/她的最后一天工作之前联系资助经理;
    • if the employee is transferring to another Virginia state agency and DID NOT state this in his/her resignation letter, 请立即与人力资源部联系.


    *部门记录协调员 are responsible for securing such physical records as are uniquely created, 接收和维护有关职位, contacting the Office of Information 技术服务 regarding the secure storage of such electronic records, 包括电子邮件, 它们与有关的职位有关, and advising the University Records Manager about the separation so that inquiries can be made to ascertain if any litigation, 调查, or Freedom of Information Act requests are in effect that would suspend the routine destruction of records associated with the position concerned.

    也, the separating employee will receive an email message to inform the employee about his/her responsibilities in completing the separation process. The Department of 人力资源 is responsible for inactivating the employee's pay status in the Banner Administrative Information System upon notification of an employee's separation. The Department of 人力资源 is also responsible for providing timely notification to the Payroll Office of separating employees.

    工资办公室负责处理最后的工资支付, 处理最后的休假支付, 终止直接存款, 并在Banner管理信息系统中终止员工记录.

    适用的记录必须保留,然后按照 联邦记录保留时间表.



    政策制订委员会 & 负责人批准进行:

    /s/ 帕梅拉•哈里斯





    /s/ 唐娜W. 米克斯





    /s/ 9月Sanderlin





    /s/ 艾伦T. 威尔逊





    /s/ Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.




    以前的版本: July 1, 2001; August 22, 2003; October 2, 2009; March 30, 2016; 2024年1月10日

    预定覆检日期: 2029年1月9日